the funny thing is...peaches make me feel funny

Monday 5 April 2010

A Fine Balance

Sadly this is not a review of the Rohinton Mistry novel, but about a struggle to maintain a fine balance between the classic high and low cultural divide.

A few weeks ago while being in the midst of a painfully boring fashion crisis and having to attend the Deutsche Borse Photography Awards ceremony I happened once again upon my craving for the so called 'low culture'.

Since the start of 2009 when I decided that I thought that the London world of publishing, more specifically art publishing was where I wanted to be I have pushed and pushed myself into internships and interviews and oh so finally a fab job. And all the while meeting people who talk at me about various photographers/artists whom I know nothing about. While this says alot about my ability to bullshit what I have also discovered if my utter love for reality tv and macs.I spent the first two weeks in this new fab job spending my lunch hour craving fried chicken and episodes of Jeremy Kyle.

And so the tables have turned, in many temp jobs I have been met with shock at reading a book, confused looks at the fact I go to the theatre twice a month and then, entering the arts and media world, my arts knowledge and personal taste does not stack up, at no point can you admit to the md of a publishing house that you love Abba and think that Mamma Mia is fantastic fun, (I did this, it was not met well) and I sit in the office with bizarre brazilian music blaring out of my colleagues computers unable to admit that the last album I bought was the glee soundtrack (It was and I love it).

So my resolve is to balance in secret, I stay mute at work to my real personal tastes, to shop and watch the x factor (I have even been known to join in with making fun of JLS while humming 'Beat Again' in my head).

After four glasses of expensive champers at The Photographers Gallery and watching a £30,000 prize being doled out, I fled to Macdonalds and put on the wicked soundtrack all the way home. After HOST's book launch, Tony and I ate bacon sarnies on her kitchen floor and drew pictures in the bin and following my easter break of three galleries and two plays I have watched an entire series of America's Next Top Model (cycle 13 and the first two of 14- go Tyra) and put on Chez Cole and Beyonce. Not that I will relay this info to my boss.

But it is decided - if I get found out and forced out of this arts world with shouts of 'You like what?' I will start my very own cheesecake factory - cause I made one of those this easter too. And it was damn fine.