the funny thing is...peaches make me feel funny

Friday 12 March 2010


As I trundled my suitcase up the drive to work this morning I was greeted with very confused looks as no one could understand why I would approach work on wheels. Thankfully the look was fleeting as the sight of a wheely case explained all.
And my co workers were right to be confused, I wouldn't cycle, not in this huge-io city, far too scary. I'm a walker. But it dawned on me what else I could be! I could shed public transportation and these boots-that-definitely-weren't-made-for-walking-but-i'll-bloodywell-wear-them-anyway and become a tricyclist! Why did we ever regress from three wheels back to two? Imagine the ease of tricycling, in a seat and not a saddle (with a back rest no less) with those two stabilising back wheels ensuring you don't get that traffic light wobble/balance on the tippiest point of the big toe.

And just look at this vespa-a-like pink trike - isn't it the coolest thing ever. please oh please can we invest in an extra wheel and hark back to the safe childhood days of stabilisers.

And If all else fails and I can't find the best most beautifulist trike, maybe made by schwinn, I think I may just buy a robin reliant.


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